This is the English version of the standardized questions that was developed for the SLF Avalanche Warning Service. The latest version of these questions are from Sept. 15, 2023.
What recreational winter backcountry activities do you most often engage in? *
Please select at least one activity in the first column.
Overall, how much experience do you have in all your recreational winter backcountry activities combined?
Please select the appropriate option in each column.
In which other countries have you pursued your recreational winter backcountry activities?
Please select all options that apply.
When conditions allow, how often do you spend time in the following types of terrain when recreating in the backcountry?
Please select one option for each terrain type.
1 / 5
2 / 5
3 / 5
4 / 5
5 / 5
In general, how important are the following motivations/experiences for your desired recreate in the winter backcountry experience?
Please rate each statement on the scale from ‘Not at all important’ to ‘Extremely important’.
How important are the following identity related motivations to your desired backcountry experience?
Please rate each statement on the scale from ‘Not at all important’ to ‘Extremely important’.
What is the highest level of formal avalanche safety training you have completed?
Please select one of the following options.
In what year did you complete your highest level of formal avalanche safety training or had the latest refresher at that level?
Please enter the year your highest level course even if it is just approximate.
How many formal avalanche safety courses of at least the introductory level have you completed including refreshers?
Please enter the number of courses you have completed even if it is just approximate.
Which of the following statements best describes how you typically contribute to the decision on when and where to go recreating in the backcountry and any avalanche risk management decision in the field?
Please select one of the following options.
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Which of the following statements best describes your use of the avalanche bulletin when planning a backcountry trip?
Please select one of the following options.
In which year were you born?
Please pick your birth year from the drop down.
Are you part of any identifiable outdoor communities, organizations or clubs (e.g., trip report blogs, FB groups, hiking or mountain clubs)?
Please describe in a few brief sentences.
Where is your primary residence?
Please select the appropriate options.